Where do I get tickets?

There are no tickets ! JUST SHOW UP ! You will need a ticket to attend the RarePepe Scientst Dinner. If you would like to sell your kidney and use that money to buy RarePepe and Fake Rare with the money you save from buying tickets, we are not against it.

How do I submit art to be part of the event?

Step one: Make Dank AF Art, Step two: join this telegram group

Where should I stay?

Paris has a wide range of accommodation ranging from catacombs full of skulls to five star hotels. The event is close 3nd and 2nd Arrondissement, the 11th and 12 Arrondissement are also near by (Arrondissement is quarter or borough in French, Paris just gives a number to each one).

Is there a party?

The entire event is a party, and yes there are DJs every night.

Are there side events?

YES, right now the main side event is the RarePepe Scientst Dinner.

Can I become a sponsor?

Yes you can! Contact us